“I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
When Dr. King said the above powerful words in his famous "I HAVE A DREAM" speech on August 28, 1963 during the march on Washington, a minority of people believed that King’s dream could one day become a
reality. Such people were justified to think that way because of the prevailing
atmosphere of intense racial prejudice that existed at the time. However, none
or few who believed in King’s dream ever thought that the freedom that many
freedom fighters died for could be abused and trampled upon by the current
generation. By the current generation, I am clearly referring to the hip hop
True, today both blacks and whites can sit in the same bus.
Thanks to Rosa Parks. Today despite very mild racial undertones, blacks and
whites can learn in the same classroom benefiting from the same quality
education. More significant is the fact that blacks can now walk freely on the
streets without being pointed at, mocked at or bananas being hurled at them. Blacks
have come a long way.
Interestingly, the street has now being “captured” by these
same blacks who were frightened to stroll down on it few years ago. It saddens
me that the streets have been captured for the wrong reasons though. The
“Streets” has oftentimes been perceived as the hiding place for people dealing
in drugs, armed robbery and other crimes. What is more worrying is that,
gangster rappers who claim to belong to the streets glorify these social vices.
And they say they are black people. I prefer to call them black niggers.
Yes, there are blacks on the street. Some of them can be
termed as “street” niggers. They were there through no fault of theirs. They
were there because their parents decided to be selfish. The father couldn’t
control his animalistic sexual desires. All he wanted was to satisfy his sexual
urge. The mother might be seduced. Or probably, she decided to sell her body
for temporary benefits. Whatever the case is, the result of their irresponsible
act is an unwanted pregnancy and an unfortunate child. The result is an
unfortunate child who will be deprived of all the basic necessities, the
affection, care and love that every child needs. The result is an unfortunate
child who will need to provide for himself like a 21year old when he is just 8.
The result is me, an angry black man.
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Martin Luther King Jr. |
is a land of opportunities. No matter the amount of racial tension that lingers
on, the progress we have made as a country is phenomenal. To crown it all, we
have a black president now. Many freedom fighters in the past yearned to see
our day. We are fortunate to live in these times. Unfortunately, we don’t value
Our own fellow black people are currently doing a lot of
injustice to us than white people. Because of our selfish desires, many black
people have deprived many children of a wonderful future they could have
enjoyed in this great nation. What is more, the hip hop community keeps adding
salt to injury when they falsely associate themselves with the “streets” and
give those on the streets a bad public image. The hip-hop community continues
to do the blacks on the street a great disservice by misrepresenting them
through their corrupt, debasing and violent music. They keep making everybody
believe that they eat and sleep on the street through their music whilst in actual
fact they stay “shinning” in their ill-gotten mansions and cars.
The vulnerable street children who are trying hard to fight
through the harsh reality of life all by themselves are seriously marginalized
because of the bad perception that the public has of them, thanks to hip hop.
The fact is it is NOT all street niggers who are drug dealers, violent, armed
robbers and gun lovers. Most of them are noble. And they need us. They need our
love and support to survive.
The next civil war in America will not be between blacks
and whites. It will not be between blacks and any other race for that matter.
It will be among blacks. It will be between a Blackman and a Blackman. Most
black people are often angry. No wonder the whites have noticed this. They are
angry NOT only because of the unfair economic system which is improving anyway.
They are rather angry at the injustice perpetrated by their own black people,
their own brothers and sisters. Nobody knows when the anger that is boiling up
within many unfairly treated black children by their own kinsmen will finally
These are my unspoken thoughts. I have never said it. I am
just thinking aloud.
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