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Voltaire |
“If God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent him” -
The idea of God being dead is simply untenable. The
intelligently designed grand universe, the instinctive wisdom of all animals,
the life-giving activities of trees and fruits, and the wonderful make-up of
the human body all attest to the existence of an intelligent supreme being
beyond all reasonable doubt.
It certainly requires a tremendous amount of faith to
believe in the inexistence of God than his existence. Probably, Nietzsche and other disillusioned
people in general who believe in the “death” of God might have missed the
divine purpose of God whose wisdom and the depth of his knowledge is past
finding out. He is certainly not dead.
All the injustices perpetrated in the name of God and the
problems that constantly torment individuals and bedevil the world as a whole
coupled with the prolonged silence of the Almighty as conclusive evidence or
proof of the inexistence of God pales into utter insignificance and completely
fade away when they are examined in the light of true knowledge about God and
his divine purposes.
We would better understand the seemingly silence of God
amidst the numerous problems and troubles this world has ever seen by casting
our minds back to the choices our first ancestors, Adam and Eve made and how
the imprudent exercise of their free will affected them and all their
descendants including this generation.
Adam and Eve in searching for a higher knowledge and
desperately seeking to be like God disobeyed him disrespectfully by choosing to
believe Satan other than the one who created them and gave them every good and
perfect gift. Rather than depending on God forever, they chose to be
independent of him, determining for themselves what is good and evil without
God’s guidance or direction. Man, led by Adam and Eve, has eventually chosen to
be his own “boss”, and to live as freely as he wants without the dictates and strict
control of a higher authority.
But, would independence from God be a wise course of action?
Would the freedom and liberty mankind has been yearning for be complete without
God as Satan stubbornly implied? Would a
life and world without God be better than a life or world with God? It would
only be a matter of time for all intelligent beings in the face of abundant
information and evidence to arrive correctly at answers to these deep and
unsettling questions.
God has allowed sufficient time to pass. Over the years, God
has permitted man to “run his own show” without his interference, allowing man
to use his free will to the full. As people multiply on the face of the earth,
he has even permitted them to experiment with all forms of political ideologies
or systems of rule, from totalitarianism to Democracy. Thus, God has purposely remained silent for so
long just to allow mankind to experience a life and a world without Him -
without his control and direction, his assistance, and intervention. And what
does the evidence show?
True, the
problems of man and the whole world keep getting worse and worse. The obvious
conclusion is that life or a world without God –its creator- is simply a sick
Before God breaks his silence and intervenes to heal the
world, reverse the unjust reward system, fix the broken, correct matters, ensure
peace, stability and prosperity for all, he would first want to teach mankind a
vital lesson - that no matter what Satan says about him, man is not capable of
managing his own affairs; man cannot rule
man. Jeremiah couldn’t be more apt when he captured this truism in one
statement thus “It is not appointed unto man even to direct his own steps”
(Jeremiah 10:23)
Indeed, God is graciously mute because He just wants mankind
to see the folly in choosing their own way in the form of selfish personal
pursuits and human governments under the influence of Satan. Without this
loving effort on his part, humans would never respect and appreciate his loving
authority and the wisdom in staying clear of any sin or act of disobedience. He
is gradually teaching man through the ills and the evils of the present, the
supremacy of his ways, the profitableness of his just laws, and the benefits of
his sovereignty and authority for the common good- the common good that man has
tirelessly, vigorously and rigorously searched for in vain with all sorts of
ideas and philosophies.
It is now crystal clear that even a well-intentioned attempt on the part of man who is limited in
his own ability to achieve true freedom and create a better world by pushing
the Almighty aside would result in only the chaos, selfishness, greed, and woes
that we are currently witnessing. If God permits us further beyond a certain
point, the worse case scenario would be global anarchy where nations and
individuals would embark on a dehumanizing and world-shattering journey to
obliterate one another.
Thankfully, the Almighty would step in to lovingly save his
children before the unfortunate and the inevitable happens. How do we know this
for sure? Because if he who did not spare his own son but delivered him up for
us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Romans 8:32.
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